
2D11392686-facebooklogo2.blocks_desktop_smallSomewhere out there is a girl I talked with briefly on FB. I actually met her years ago when we were both still students. We’ll call her Janice, and she was likely either 20 or 21 when we first met.

So we met at a computer lab in the college library. She started talking to me like it was nothing, but essentially all she wanted was a way to long on to her computer. We talked a bit and for some reason I looked over to see her name and then found her on FB.

I then send a message that admitted I never got her name and she stated it online as if I couldn’t see it already :P. Then our messages weren’t very long just asked her if it was awkward that I found her like this. She said nothing and accepted my friend request.

For a bit of time we never really talked to each other. Sometimes, I’d play in Janice’s Honesty Box which was a fun app back in the day. It’s an anonymous messaging app that had gotten me in trouble with so many young women back then. In fact I used to say the most sexual comments to many young women and for the most part many of them took it well. Even if eventually they blocked me or defriended me when they figured out who I was.

It took me years to figure out that I should talk to her, really I wanted to make something of that day. Of course in deciding this only lately have I recognized that in my mind this could only be blown out of proportion. It’s possible to make more of it than already there.

Janice follows me on another social media site these days and sometimes I like her pics and she likes mine. She looks great to me and it was even cooler that every now and then we message each other on FB. We had a long threaded convo that took place over the course of say 9 or 10 months and then suddenly it stopped.

This young woman is notable in that I found something in common with her. We both like to go to the show and to be sure it got me excited enough to suggest we go to the movies. After that she shut down on me, and yet not defriended.

As a matter of fact not long after that she tagged me in a photo. Unfortunately we’re not in the same state soooooo…she shouldn’t be able to take a pic of me near her. I shot Janice a message seeing what’s up but so far nothing. And I see on her other social media there’s a dude she’s hanging with although so far not solid indication he’s her boyfriend. It seems like I lost one again. 😦

Another notable a college sporting homecoming was coming up and I suggested after our first meeting years ago that I wished I could see her socially. She responded immediately although unfortunately for me I never made it because some changes started happening such as a new job at the time and I couldn’t make it. Explained to her although I may not have fully explained myself.

Either way I could continue to find a way to connect, but perhaps at this point find other women whom I may be interested. Especially the ones who I see at work almost all the time.

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  1. Pingback: connection? part 2 | Feeling No Love

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