
A few days ago I made a mistake. We had a new security guard at work and it seemed he liked to go around chat. He stopped at my venue to introduce himself and let me know if I needed him let him know. He told me he’s rotated at other area Fresh stores including the Hole. Hey wait, I used to work at the Hole although it’s been a few years.

He gave me a run down of some of the managers there starting with Morley (as you should know he’s the one who fired me over two years ago and he’s no longer with the company). I thought he said Morley was bad, well he never said his name just described his ethnicity. I committed one faux pax here – the mistake as it were – asked him what happened. I was just about to tell him to not answer especially once I saw the look on his face he was coming up with something to say and he just confirmed what I already knew, Morley was history.

The new store manager at the Hole he put over and seems to like him. He believes that manager has his back. The man who I interviewed with to attempt a return to the Hole well he doesn’t really like him that much either. Sounds like a personality clash there, perhaps that was one reason why I didn’t get to return close to two years ago.

No matter the information I got seems encouraging although to be fair, things are evolving up there. Perhaps not good perhaps not bad, just evolving. There has been changes since I left that store over two years ago. With managers in all departments and people moving on and people getting demoted or fired or whatever. Sometimes I forget that life is a state of flux and that’s OK.

As I’ve often said it’s more likely that I would return to the Hole than it is that I would return to The Show. And yes, The Show had also evolved since I worked my last shift over five years ago. I could still call them $h!tplace, however, that was then and perhaps  that moniker is for a place that years in the past.

Either way expect a part two to this post soon. I like to lurk on Fresh’s social network and see what’s what as far as jobs. I see some people that I worked with at the Hole have moved on to either another store or to another department at the Hole.

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